In-House Training


With a Company or Corporate WISE membership you can deliver courses based on the Hubbard Administrative Technology right in your own company to your own staff. This self-paced instruction method with its unique training methodology allows your employees to gain a full understanding of the subject and apply on-the-job the tools they have studied.

These courses train you and your employees in the principles of the Admin Technology and give you the knowledge and skill to create and successfully manage a business or career. With an entire team trained on the Hubbard Administrative Tech, everyone is on the same page.

Training Courses

Listed below are the courses which can be delivered on-site to your employees. Course packs are purchased directly from the Hubbard College bookstore as reference materials to hone your skills – and to set up an on-site employee training program.

Company Trainer

The Company Trainer programme (delivered by the Hubbard College) enables you to train one of your staff on the procedures and techniques to deliver courses. After a short period of instruction, your Company Trainer can deliver all of the management courses on-site to you and your employees.

The Value of In-House Training

In-house training is popular for two reasons: 1) it is effective, and 2) it is economical.

The costs are:

  • An annual WISE membership (Company or Corporate)
  • The course materials for each employee.

There is no limit to the number of employees who can study these courses. A business owner can train all staff on the 26 courses available — all under one annual WISE membership. The value of that? 
